Since the term Ajax was coined, significant interest has arisen from developers who see the techniques it offers as a way to break away from limitations of traditional web development.

Along the way, a number of toolkits have appeared to help developers work through the more difficult aspects of Ajax programming, and provide out-of-the-box solutions to common needs.

Joshua Gertzen will be discussing some "high-level" challenges associated with Ajax programming, and how different frameworks have attempted to solve those issues. Utilizing examples from the Java-based ThinWire Ajax Framework, Joshua will describe how ThinWire's unique approach to web development simplifies and/or eliminates these issues.

Here are the main points to be discussed:

  1. Overview of the four levels of Ajax usage as defined by the Gartner group.
  2. Security concerns surrounding communication and client-side code.
  3. Performance issues to be aware of in browser and over the network.
  4. Debugging considerations and managing application complexity.
  5. Flow control management and state handling in Ajax applications.
  6. Introduction to ThinWire and how it addresses these issues.
  7. Building a Rich Internet Application (RIA) with ThinWire.

Throughout the presentation Joshua will be accepting questions from the audience.